Launch of Tractis 2.0 Beta

As mentioned in recent entries in this blog, we’ve spent the last few weeks concentrating on development of the new version of Tractis. It’s taken longer than we initially thought but we wanted to make sure every detail was right. The latest Tractis has a much more finished feel than the previous version. Even we’re surprised at how much we’ve changed in such little time. It’s unrecognisable!

There are so many new features that we would need various posts to describe them all in detail. Here are a few of them:

  • Totally revised contract editor, much faster and more usable
  • Internationalisation: Tractis is now available in English and Spanish. Over time we hope to support more languages.
  • New contract negotiation workflow: with or without blocking
  • Improved User Interface interaction: modal windows, alerts, progress indicators. Overall a much more consistent experience.
  • Breadcrumb navigation. Easy access to your contracts and contacts
  • We now generate XAdES signatures and integrate with the following Certification Authorities: eDNI, Camerfirma, FirmaProfesional, ACA, Izenpe, CATCert, ANCERT y ANF

Now it’s over to you, the beta testers, to tell us how we can improve. To facilitate this, we have added a link to the application that allows you to inform us of errors or suggest improvements immediately.

Report a bug

Over the next few days, we plan to send over one thousand invitations to view the beta version. You might receive the next one!

By Manolo Santos
Saved in: Announcements, Tractis | No comments » | 11 December 2006

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