Getting started with Ruby on Rails…

We use Ruby on Rails in the development of Tractis, a web service that allows you to negotiate, manage and sign contracts online. The following list includes very useful resources to learn RoR. Check them out!!

(Pssst, you can also see what we’re reading now…)

Resources in English


Ruby is an object-oriented, meta-programming language that has many developers wondering if there are actually better alternatives to languages like Java and C#. Rails is a Ruby framework enjoying tremendous success.

First of all: Why should you consider a weird language like Ruby on Rails? Read Beating the averages & The Python Paradox by Paul Graham.

If your are just getting started, we recommend the book “Agile Web Development with Rails” by Chad Fowler.


  • Top 12 Ruby on Rails Tutorials – 2006.05.11 – Digital Media Minute.
  • Ajax on Rails – C. Hibbs – 2005.09.06 – O’Reilly ONLamp: XMLHttpRequest and Ruby on Rails are two hot topics in web development. As you ought to expect by now, they work really well together. Curt Hibbs explains the minimal Ajax you need to know and the minimal Ruby you need to write to Ajax-ify your Rails applications.
  • Fast-Track!
  • Four Days on Rails is designed to fill that gap. It’s about 40 pages formatted for double-sided printing on A4 describing the key issues that you need to know to get up and running in Rails development. By the time you’ve read it, you should have a useful toolbox of Rails techniques and a good idea of where to look on the web for more information. See pdf (english|spanish)
  • Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development on OS X – Apple Developer Connection.

Rolling with Ruby on Rails Tutorials:

  • Part I- C. Hibbs – 2005.01.20 – O’Reilly ONLamp: The Ruby community is abuzz about Rails, a web application framework that makes database-backed apps dead simple. What’s the fuss? Is it worth the hype? Curt Hibbs shows off Rails, building a simple application that even non-Rubyists can follow.
  • Part II – C. Hibbs – 2005.03.03 – O’Reilly ONLamp: Curt Hibbs introduced Ruby on Rails by building a simple but functional web application in just a few minutes. Does the ease of use continue? He thinks so. In the second of two parts, Curt completes his example Rails application in merely 47 lines of code.
  • Amy’s Part III

Setting Up RoR


RoR Web Services

RoR Performance

RoR and databases


RoR Blogs

RoR Forums

RoR Mailing lists

RoR Plugins

RoR Mistakes

RoR Alternatives

Just Ruby (without Rails)

RoR Books


Comming Soon:

RoR CheatSheets

Ruby: NEW

Ruby on Rails: NEW


Recursos en Castellano


Tutoriales de RoR

Blogs de RoR

Foros de RoR

Listas de correo RoR

Libros RoR

  • Programando en Ruby: versión en español de “Programming Ruby” de Pragmatic Programmers NEW

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By David Blanco
Saved in: | No comments » | 18 October 2006