I want to know…

What is Negonation?

Negonation is a group of people who have decided to provide a legal system to resolve conflicts in the Internet nation.

There are currently three employees: Manuel Santos in Valladolid, David Blanco in Madrid and Diego Lafuente in Barcelona
… and over 20 collaborators. Some of the negonators who are making noise lately are as follows: David Calavera, Juan Lupión, Juanse Pérez and Juanjo Bazán (the 3 Juans) in Madrid, Carlos González-Cadenas in Barcelona, José Luis Gordo in Valladolid and Manuel Lucena in Jaén (Spain), as well as Ernesto Jiménez in Helsinki (Finland), Leandro López and Leandro Caldora (the 2 Leandros) in Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Avinash Bhamare in Pune (India).

What is Tractis?

Our first service is called Tractis, a web platform that will enable individuals and SMEs to negotiate, administrate and sign contracts online. We started a private beta on 31 July.

Ding! Now it’s our turn…

Do you want to help us?

If you want to give us a hand, you can:

  • Comment on Negonation Blog – We have many doubts about the business model, pricing, strategy, functions, etc. which we would like to comment with you. Please subscribe to our RSS feed and keep up with the latest news on our project.
  • Post on Negonation Blog – Perhaps you are interested in the subjects we deal with in “Negonation Blog” and would like to be a guest blogger. Don’t be shy, contact us. We are on the lookout for entrepreneurs who want to share their experience in Negonation Blog.
  • Send us your ideas – On programming, legislation, possible partnerships, applications, etc.
  • Subscribe to Tractis Beta – Warn us about any bugs and tell us what you would change/add/delete.
  • Collaborate – Send us an email and tell us what area you can collaborate in (business, legal, development, other). We plan to distribute 25% of company shares among all the people who help us make Tractis a reality. We have already distributed 3%.

By David Blanco
Saved in: | 3 comments » | 18 October 2006

3 comments in “I want to know…”

Gravatar de Callum

6 August 2007 at 12:59 pm    

What a revolutionary idea – I fully support and embrace what you are trying to achieve here. I am CEO of the Australian Mediation Association, and I am not sure in what way I can assist but would like to become invovled with the program. Please let me know how I can do this – I would be more than happy to look at any materials related with becoming a partner.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly.


Gravatar de David Blanco

David Blanco
6 August 2007 at 1:05 pm    

Hi Callum,

We plan to launch Tractis in September 2007. Initially, companies and individuals will be able to digitally sign contracts using digital certificates issued by different Certification Authorities. Next, we would like to encourage the use of arbitration clauses on their contracts. It would be great if the Australian Mediation Association were interested in registering at Tractis to offer its dispute resolution services online.

I’ll write you an email shortly to see how we can collaborate together.



Gravatar de hiutopor

20 September 2007 at 6:31 am    

Hi all!

Very interesting information! Thanks!
